How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? [With Timeline]
It takes about 2 to 4 months to learn Python. Here's how we came to this conclusion.
Using real timeline of people who have completed Python courses.
Using our 11 years of experience in creating Python learning materials.
How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? [With Timeline]
Learning Python takes a decent amount of time - usually 2 to 4 months.
However, the exact duration is debatable. Some people have completed the course in a week, and some did it in a year.
It all depends on various factors like
your definition of learning Python
time you are investing each day
background knowledge in programming
and your approach
Let's explore how each of these factors impacts your Python journey.
But first, we will see how long it takes to complete the entire Python course in Programiz PRO.
How long does it take to learn Python? [Timeline]
Let's first define the factors mentioned above so you get a better understanding of the timeline.
We will assume the definition of learning Python means being confident to approach a Python career.
You are investing at least 1 hour per day.
No background knowledge of programming.
You are taking an online guided course to learn Python.
We will look into these factors in detail in the later part of this blog.
Let's start with the timeline first.
1. Completing the Course [1.5 months]
As per the data, people are taking about 1.5 months to learn the entire Learn Python course. However, this data only accounts for the time people are spending to complete the course.
Course Background:
Programiz Python Course is a learning path that includes 5 different courses: Learn Python Basics, Python Basic Challenges, Python Beyond Basics, Python Beyond Basic Challenges, and Python Interview Questions.
Although Programiz courses provide hands-on learning with challenges and quizzes, it can be debatable that completing a course is not the same as learning Python.
On average, it's taking about 15 to 20 days to complete challenges.
Course Background:
Python Coding Challenge includes 140+ coding problems forcing people to write code themselves. Solving challenges ensures that people are actually learning, not just completing the course.
3. Building Portfolio [1-2 months]
So far, we are at 2 months timeline.
Now to actually learn Python, you will need to build real-world projects, build your portfolio, learn Git & GitHub, and prepare for job interviews.
Luckily, our Python Interview Questions helped us give an estimation for this as well, i.e., 1 to 2 months.
After combining all this, it will take 2 to 4 months to learn Python.
Timeline: Time it Takes to Learn Python
The above estimation is what we have seen through data; however, we highly recommend you get a job/internship as early as possible. No course can help you learn Python the way jobs/internships do.
Factors Impacting the Time to Learn Python
As mentioned earlier, some factors hugely influence the time it takes to learn Python:
your definition of learning Python
time you are investing each day
background knowledge in programming
and your approach
Let's see what this means.
1. Your Definition of Learning Python
Definitions directly come from the reason why you are learning Python. Based on your goal, there can be different definitions of what learning Python means.
Here are some examples:
Suppose you are learning Python not for jobs or projects but just to have a better conversation with your team members. Then, your definition can be "ability to understand syntaxes and jargon".
It can take you about a month to learn.
Suppose your goal is to get a job (Data Science, Web Development, Machine Learning, etc.). Your definition can be "become job-ready in Python".
For this, you might have to learn Python for about 6 months to 2 years.
If you want to perform some automation and web scraping, your definition can be "ablility to use Python libraries".
It can take you about 2 months to learn Python for this goal.
Based on these definitions, it can take from a month to 2 years to learn Python.
2. Time You Are Investing Each Day
This one is obvious - the more time you invest daily, the faster you will learn.
But, there is an optimal time that you should invest in learning per day, i.e., 1-2 hours. Remember, 1-2 hours is just for learning.
You can invest as much time as you can in practice.
In coding, the more practice you have, the more you will learn. So, invest about 1 to 2 hours in learning new concepts and the rest of the time in practicing the concept.
No matter how much time you invest, be consistent with it. Remember, coding is difficult, so take your time and be consistent.
3. Background Knowledge in Programming
We can categorize people learning Python into two groups:
Group 1 - People who have zero experience in programming and are starting fresh with Python.
Group 2 - People who have some experience in programming (maybe familiar with other languages) and want to switch to Python.
There can be massive differences in the time it will take for these two groups to learn Python.
People in Group 2 will take less time to learn because some of the fundamental concepts remain the same. However, people in Group 1 will take a bit more time.
4. Your Approach
There are different approaches to learning Python, however, we can summarize them into two categories: Online Courses (Self Learning) and Offline Bootcamps.
And the time duration can vary depending on these approaches.
Online Bootcamps
Bootcamps are more job-focused, so they can be extensive, covering a lot in a short duration. However, direct interaction with instructors for doubts and assessments makes it a bit easier.
And there is generally a fixed time durations for bootcamps - 3-months, 6-months, or 12-months bootcamp.
So, the time it takes to learn Python through bootcamps entirely depends on the one you enrolled in.
Online Courses (Self-Learning)
Learning through courses can be tricky because you can complete a course and earn certifications just by clicking Next or watching videos.
But this is not learning. If it were, everyone would learn Python in just a day.
That's not the truth, though. You cannot learn to code without actually typing code and making errors.
And, there are platforms like Codecademy and Programiz that force (strong word, but it's the only way) you to write code to progress and complete a course.
Based on the time duration of this course, it can take about 2 to 4 months to learn Python.
While self-learning is more cost-effective than bootcamps, you need to have a proper structure. Otherwise, you can fall into the trap of Tutorial Hell.
You can get information from everywhere, but just follow one learning path provided by either platform.
Final Takeaway
The time to learn Python is subjective. It depends on various factors which we have discussed above.
However, there are a few things that can help you make your journey efficient:
1. Practice
Write code yourselves, make and fix errors, and build things on your own. Don't just rely on courses. This is the only way.
2. Be consistent
No matter what, try to show up daily. Just read one concept or write a line of code; do it daily. If possible, maintain the daily streak provided on most platforms.
Daily Coding Streak
3. Join Communities
Meet fellow learners, exchange experiences, and ask questions through communities on Discord or Reddit.
4. Get a Job/Internship
No courses can match the knowledge you get while working on real jobs with real projects.
Try to get into jobs/internships as early as possible.
It's okay to feel underconfident. You can continue learning on your job. Remember, there is no better way to learn than learning by doing.
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