With this course, you will:

  • Practice 100 interview questions
  • Practice with coding exerises
  • Earn a professional certificate
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Java Interview Questions

Ace your coding interview with this comprehensive and curated course of the most important Java interview questions.

  • Level: Intermediate

  • Duration: 2 weeks

  • Type: Interactive

  • Language: English

  • challenge

    Practice Problems: 60+

Course Content

Chapter 1:


Start this Course

Don't just read questions

Solve questions asked in real interviews

Create a program to check if the given number is prime.


  • Initialize two variables: num1 with value 29 and flag with value true.
  • Loop from i = 2 to i = num -1.
  • Inside it, check if num is divisible by i.
  • If yes, change flag to false and terminate the loop.
  • Print the value of flag outside the loop.


The output of the program will be:



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Jane Doe

has successfully completed the course

Java Interview Questions

Gain a competitive edge with our professional certifications

Showcase your expertise on LinkedIn and stand out from the crowd. Impress your potential employers.


This is to certify that

Jane Doe

has successfully completed the course

Java Interview Questions

Feedback from our students

Aaron Sang
The platform is wonderful and will continue to be a step above the rest of what's out there right now.

Feedback from our students

Aaron Sang
The platform is wonderful and will continue to be a step above the rest of what's out there right now.
Landan Devencia
Learning to code is hard, but Programiz PRO has made it easy by being right by my side in my coding journey.
Ayushma Malla Thakuri
On Programiz PRO, the research work is already done by an expert in the background; all you need to do is focus on your learning.

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