With this course, you will:

  • Learn Java step-by-step from start to finish.
  • Solve 100+ practice problems in real time and create multiple projects.
  • Get certified and prepare for your first Java interview.
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Course Hero Image
Learning Path

Learn Java

Learn to code in Java, a widely used programming language for creating mobile apps, desktop apps, games, and more.

  • Level: Beginner

  • Duration: 3 months

  • Type: Interactive

  • Language: English

  • challenge

    Practice Problems: 290+

  • message-question

    Quizzes: 115+

Course Overview

  1. 1

    Java Basics

    Build a strong programming base that will be the foundation for your long-term coding journey.

  2. 2

    Control Flow

    Learn to apply programming logic—the fundamental essence of programming.

  3. 3


    Ensure your code is easy to understand and work with by using the power of methods.

Start this Course

Get started in seconds
Run Java code and challenges in real-time

Write and evaluate your code using our real-time online editor—no tedious installation necessary on your end.

Here’s a sneak peek


Learn practically
by solving real-world problems.

Projects you will create:

7 Courses:

  • Learn Java Basics
  • Practice: Java Basics
  • Learn Java OOP
  • Practice: Java OOP
  • Learn Java Intermediate
  • Practice: Java Intermediate
  • Java Interview Questions



Jane Doe

has sucessfully completed the Professional Certificate

Become a Java Master

Get Java certified and gain a competitive edge

Showcase your expertise on LinkedIn and stand out from the crowd. Impress your potential employers.

7 Courses:

  • Learn Java Basics
  • Practice: Java Basics
  • Learn Java OOP
  • Practice: Java OOP
  • Learn Java Intermediate
  • Practice: Java Intermediate
  • Java Interview Questions



Jane Doe

has sucessfully completed the Professional Certificate

Become a Java Master

Learn Java by Doing

Universal Fact: You can't learn to code without actively writing code yourself.

So, how do I start?

Path conversionPath conversion
Learn by Doing
Learn by Doing

Learning Java as Your First Language? Read this!

If you’re a beginner starting your journey with Java, there’s some essential advice you need to know.

The points below will help you build a strong foundation, gain confidence, and set yourself up for success in the long run. Embrace these insights as a guiding light throughout your learning process.

  1. Be Patient: Learning to code is not easy and, at times, frustrating. However, remember that you're not alone in finding coding difficult to get started. Patience is key—understanding that mastering Java, like any skill, will require time.
  2. Don't Learn Too Fast: Building a strong foundation is crucial and will serve you exceptionally well in the long run. Learning programming is like constructing a sturdy and reliable structure. Rushing through the early stages could lead to a shaky foundation.
  3. Learn, Learn, and Re-Learn: If a concept is difficult to grasp initially, don't hesitate to revisit it multiple times. Repetition is powerful for reinforcing understanding. Seek help when needed. Learning Java is not about mastering everything at once but constantly improving.
  4. Write Code, a Lot of Code: When it comes to gaining confidence, there’s nothing quite like rolling up your sleeves and writing code. It might feel a bit intimidating at first, but practice makes perfect, and the more you code, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become.
  5. Don't be Afraid to Make Mistakes: Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process; embrace the learning opportunities that come with them. Don't be afraid to write your first line of code. Code fearlessly, and let your mistakes guide you to success.
  6. Avoid Tutorial Hell: Don't just read and watch code; true learning comes from writing it, no matter how daunting it may seem. Discipline is essential, and Programiz PRO’s structured learning path provides an active approach to keep you on the track to success.

Common Questions

  • Java is a powerful, widely used, and high-demand programming language. It empowers developers to build versatile, efficient applications across various domains, such as web development, mobile apps, and enterprise solutions.

    Also, Java offers tremendous career opportunities with continuous growth prospects. Capable Java developers are highly sought after, leading to competitive salaries and attractive packages.

  • Compared to some other programming languages, Java might appear more challenging due to its complex syntax and strict typing system. However, you can become comfortable with Java with consistent practice and dedication.

    As programming revolves around logic and problem-solving, applying the core concepts in Java will not be hard once you grasp the core concepts.

    However, if you are particularly interested in testing, Python might be a suitable option to explore as it is relatively easier to learn and widely used for test automation.

  • The duration depends on your learning pace and dedication. On average, it takes 3-6 months to learn Java.

  • This course is for

    • Beginner programmers who want to master Java programming skills.
    • Students who are taking Java as a course in their studies.
    • Job seekers looking to strengthen their Java programming skills for better job opportunities.

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