With this course, you will:

  • Gain a strong grasp of Java OOP
  • Take programming logic to the next level
  • Earn a professional certificate
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Practice Course

Practice: Java OOP

Apply the skills you have gained from the Learn Java OOP course to solve practice problems and sharpen your OOP skills.

  • Level: Intermediate

  • Duration: 1 week

  • Type: Interactive

  • Language: English

  • challenge

    Practice Problems: 20+

Sneak Peek

Create a Java program to implement inheritance.


  • Create an Animal class with a method eat() that prints I can eat.
  • Inherit Dog class from Animal using the extends keyword.
  • Create a Main class with the main() method.
  • Create an object of Dog using the new Dog().
  • Use the object to call the eat() method of Animal.


The output of the program will be:

I can eat

Learn by Doing

Fact: You can't learn to code without writing code yourself.

Practice Java OOP by completing 20+ coding exercises in real-time.

Get Certified

Earn certification through our curated career paths and showcase your new skills in LinkedIn.Boost your career with professional certifications and impress your potential employers on LinkedIn.


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Practice: Java OOP

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